Ad*s campus 00s semi lucid fuchsia
Ad*s campus 00s semi lucid fuchsia
DescriptionThis is the latest Adidas Campus 00s Semi Lucid Fuchsia, a must-have for every sneaker enthusiast. At Sneakerhype, our mission is to provide you with 100% authentic sneakers safely and quickly, ensuring you have access to the most sought-after footwear on the market.

Ad*s campus 00s "amber tint"
$ 74.61
Ad*s campus 00s ''amber tint''
$ 146.52
Ad*s campus 00s wonder white gum
$ 109.89
Ad*s campus 00s ''pink''
$ 241.74
Ad*s campus 00s crystal white black
$ 109.89
Ad*s campus 00s blue grey
$ 168.48