Ad*s campus 00s ''core black''
Ad*s campus 00s ''core black''
DescriptionThis is the Adidas Campus 00s Core Black
Check out the Adidas Campus 00s Core Black, now exclusively available at Sneakerhype. One of the most popular sneakers at the moment. This chunky sneaker can be styled with anything. Whether you go casual or wear it with a tracksuit outside, or match it with an oversized jeans, this sneaker fits every outfit.We at Sneakerhype share the same passion as other sneaker lovers. The Adidas Campus 00s Core Black? You won''t find it anywhere else. With these gems on your feet, you show that you are at the forefront of the sneaker world.
The material of the Adidas Campus 00s Core Black
They are made of top-quality suede, which gives them a nice soft appearance and ensures that the shoes are also comfortable to wear. It is always a good idea to spray them well with a water-repellent spray.
More choices at Sneakerhype
Looking for more colors? We got you covered! We sell the Adidas Campus for both women and men. We have many different colors such as Adidas Campus Grey, Adidas Campus Green and Adidas Campus Red. Click here for all colors!
How to buy the Adidas Campus Core Black
Shopping with us is easy and quick. Pay safely with various payment methods and before you know it, your new sneakers will be at your door.